Guerreirinhos-AM U-19
Fast Clube U-19
0:1 (0:1) 73:15
Guerreirinhos-AM U-19 to Win 23.00
Draw 8.00
Fast Clube U-19 to Win 1.067
Guerreirinhos-AM U-19 (+1.5) 1.79
Fast Clube U-19 (-1.5) 1.90
Under 2.0 1.76
Over 2.0 1.93
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Guerreirinhos-AM U-19 to Win
Fast Clube U-19 to Win
Guerreirinhos-AM U-19 to Win or Draw
Guerreirinhos-AM U-19 to Win or Fast Clube U-19 to Win
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Winning Margin
Yes No
To Win by 1 Goal - Fast Clube U-19 2.30 1.533
To Win by 2 Goals - Fast Clube U-19 2.88 1.35
To Win by 3 Goals - Fast Clube U-19 5.95 1.088
To Win by 1 Goal - Guerreirinhos-AM U-19 or Fast Clube U-19 2.20 1.58
To Win by 2 Goals - Guerreirinhos-AM U-19 or Fast Clube U-19 2.84 1.36
To Win by 3 Goals - Guerreirinhos-AM U-19 or Fast Clube U-19 5.90 1.089
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Full Time Result + Total Goals
Yes No
Fast Clube U-19 to Win + Total Under 2.5 1.55 2.26
Fast Clube U-19 to Win + Total Under 3.5 1.196 3.98
Fast Clube U-19 to Win + Total Over 2.5 3.14 1.30
Fast Clube U-19 to Win + Total Over 3.5 8.00 1.039
Draw + Total Under 2.5 7.80 1.043
Draw + Total Under 3.5 7.80 1.043
Guerreirinhos-AM U-19 to Win or Draw + Total Under 2.5 7.80 1.043
Guerreirinhos-AM U-19 to Win or Draw + Total Under 3.5 6.80 1.063
Fast Clube U-19 to Win or Draw + Total Under 2.5 1.30 2.875
Fast Clube U-19 to Win or Draw + Total Under 3.5 1.075 6.35
Fast Clube U-19 to Win or Draw + Total Over 2.5 3.08 1.31
Fast Clube U-19 to Win or Draw + Total Over 3.5 7.50 1.049
Guerreirinhos-AM U-19 to Win or Fast Clube U-19 to Win + Total Under 2.5 1.55 2.26
Guerreirinhos-AM U-19 to Win or Fast Clube U-19 to Win + Total Under 3.5 1.17 4.30
Guerreirinhos-AM U-19 to Win or Fast Clube U-19 to Win + Total Over 2.5 2.96 1.333
Guerreirinhos-AM U-19 to Win or Fast Clube U-19 to Win + Total Over 3.5 7.70 1.045

Current scores, times, statistics and animation are displayed for information purposes only and whilst every effort is taken to ensure their accuracy we accept no liability for any errors.